submitted url to best search engines
The Correct Way to Submit Your Page to the search Engines & Search Directories
This step is the quickest and easiest. However do it wrong and all the hard work you have done up to this point will all be for nothing.
Below you will find links to the top Search Engines and Directories, but before you go steaming ahead make sure you understand these important points first.
Submitting to Search Engines
In the previous section you will have seen that letting your page be spidered rather than submitted directly will improve your ranking. You have already placed a quality link to your new page on your home page and so all you need to do is make sure your homepage is in the Search Engine database.
First go to each search engine ( listed below ) and do a search on the URL of your homepage ( e.g. ). If your homepage is returned then all well and good no more action is required. If your homepage is not listed then go to the search engine submission page and submit your Homepage only !
( not your new page ).
Now wait and see whether the search engine spider picks up your page. The length of time this takes varies between search engines. Google, at the time writing, has the most efficient spider and should index your page within one month. Other engines take a little longer.
If your new page has not been spidered after about 3 months and your homepage is definitely listed then it is probably best to submit your page via the Search Engines submission page. Although your page will not immediately gain the additional ranking benefit of being spidered it may do so in the future.
Submitting to Search Directories
Search Directories do not tend to operate spiders and therefor you must submit your new page by hand. Before you begin you will need to create some information about your page. In your Plan add the following information about your page to the 'Directory Submission Information' section,
Page URL
Page Title
Page Keywords
Page Description
Email Address
Page URL is obvious.
The Page Title should be the exact same title as you have used in the
Page Keywords - Not used by all directories, but you should include the top four or five keywords / phrases from your keyword list. You should at least include those that you have optimized for.
Page Description - This needs to be between 25 and 30 words and ideally should be similar ( if not the same ) as the first paragraph of your page. Again Directory Editors like to see this because it shows you are not trying to make your page appear as something it isn't.
Email Address - Make sure this is your genuine email address.
Ok, you are now ready to submit to the directories. From the list below go to each of the Search Directories in turn and bearing in mind the subject of your page find the most appropriate category ( you should find some of your competition here ). Once you have found the most appropriate category then click on the 'Add Link' or 'Submit' text that should be either at the top or bottom of that page. Read the 'Submission Guidelines' and enter the information for your page.
Be patient with the Directories, they don't rely on automated software but instead have a real human verify your page and site before adding to the database. Therefor it can take anything from a few weeks to over six months before your page is reviewed. In all cases you should at least let several months pass before re-submitting ( if your page hasn't appeared ). Some directories, eg. Yahoo, offer an Express Review service. Be warned though you are not paying for a guaranteed inclusion, you are simply paying for your page to be reviewed within a certain time period - It may Still be Rejected and you won't get a Refund. Remember with all Directories Real Humans decide whether to include your page and therefor the process is subjective and there are no guarantees ( Don't pay anyone who tells you otherwise - they are lying to you ).
A very Special Directory - Open Directory Project
This directory is unique in that it is a non-profit making organization and is run and edited by volunteers. It has become very big and hence very important. So much so that the Google spider will check this directory looking for new pages to add to it's own index. ( remember what we said about ranking & spidering ). Although we are not totally convinced, it is rumored that if your site does not appear in the Dmoz directory then some search engines won't add you to their database.
When you are deciding which category to add your page to in this directory there is an additional consideration. With Dmoz, directories have different editors who are listed at the bottom of the Category. If your chosen Category does not have an editor ( ie. you see the message "This Category Needs an Editor" ) then it is probably not a good idea to submit to to this category. If you cannot find another appropriate category with an editor then try looking at the categories above or below. If one of these has editor then try submitting there with a note explaining that ideally you would like your page to be listed in the adjacent category.
Links to Search Directories
Directory | Home URL |
Open Directory Project | |
Yahoo | |
AOL | |
Netscape | |
Jayde | Submit |
Links to Search Engines
Checking to see whether Your Page has been Listed.
Remember the time between submission and listing varies greatly between different engines and directories. ( Anything from a couple of weeks to over six months. However 3 months is probably a fair average ). So don't be disappointed and impatient if you don't see results immediately - it will happen and it will be worth the wait. ( Submitting the same information too frequently can get your whole domain banned by some engines ! ).
The methods by which you should check and monitor the results of this step are fully described in the next section.
Submission Services
You will achieve the best results by having your pages submitted by hand. In addition we recommend that you do it yourself because there are always valuable lessons to be learnt which you will be able to apply the next time you Carefully Craft a Page. However if do wish to get someone else to the job for make sure you ask them some searching questions first. Make sure they do the process Carefully by Hand and that they Understand the points made on this page.
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